Select the appropriate form below by clicking on the name. The form will be displayed in PDF format suitable for printing. You must have Adobe® Reader software (available free at to download or print the forms. Please note that some of these transactions can be done online, as indicated below.
Manage Account
Account Financial Features Form
Use this form to add, change, or delete electronic contributions, banking information, systematic exchanges, and systematic withdrawals.
Additional Contribution Form
Use this form to make additional contributions to your account by check.
Account Information Change Form
Use this form to change the mailing address, email address or phone number on your account.
Investment Changes
Investment Option Change/ Future Contribution Allocation Form
Use this form to move money in your account to a different investment option, or to change investment options for future contributions.
Payroll Direct Deposit Form
Use this form if:
- You want to have money automatically deducted from your paycheck and deposited into your account (your employer must offer this benefit).
- You want to change your existing deduction.
If you’re opening a new account, you can enroll online and select payroll deduction as your contribution method.
Incoming Rollover Form
Use this form to initiate a rollover from another qualified ABLE or 529 plan to an existing Kansas ABLE Savings Plan account.
Earned Income Contribution Certification Form
Use this form to certify that you are eligible for an increased annual contribution limit as a result of your earned income.
Agent Authorization/Power of Attorney Form
Use this form to grant a person the ability to act on your account.
Add an Authorized Individual Form
Use this form to add an Authorized Individual to an existing ABLE Account.